Groove of the week! Playing Double Bass with the Hi Hat.

Groove of the week! Playing Double Bass with the Hi Hat.

Hello all,

I’ve been putting little ideas up on instagram so that I have a record of them that I can look back on at a later date. With that in mind I thought it could be good to have a little explanation with them so people watching can adapt them and try them out themselves.

The first one is a pretty simple concept based on some ideas I got from a Thomas Lang video (think it was creative control). The basic premise is to play double bass 16ths (singles) and experiment with dropping the right foot in and out to get various syncopated patterns, whilst always keeping the left foot going on the ‘es’ and ‘as’. This is a great exercise in itself, however if you start playing the hi hat and left bass drum simultaneously (whilst keeping 8th notes with the right hand) you also get 16ths between the right hand and left foot, creating quite a nice layered groove.

Here’s the groove anyway, please feel free to drop me a message if you have any questions or would like private tuition in the Manchester area.

